Hello! In just a week, I will be embarking on my flight to Paris. My excitement is tempered by the chilling dread that comes with unknown experiences. I feel like I won't fully be "ready for study abroad" until I get there. Since I am currently staying away from social media, I have been using NPR's Up First and the NPR Politics Podcast to keep up with what is happening in the world. Friday was such a wild day in the news. Like, first of all, Roger Stone was indicted in the Russia investigation. Roger Stone is one of the strangest and most intriguing figures in politics today. If you haven't heard of Roger Stone, I highly recommend watching the Netflix documentary Get Me Roger Stone . The film discusses his biography and his role in the rise of Donald Trump. Roger Stone worked for the Nixon campaign and was involved in the Watergate scandal. (He even has a tattoo of Nixon on his back!) He also worked for Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign. Roger Ston...