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Lines and Rides and Sun

Since water and cell phones don't mix very well, I don't have any pictures of the waterpark we went to. I got this picture, which falls under a Creative Commons license, from Wikimedia. The image shows seven slides, of varying colors and styles, leading into a clear, blue pool of water.


I spent most of my day at a waterpark with my family. After a long day of lines and rides and sun, I am slightly sunburnt and very tired. As with most activities, I am very enthusiastic about waterparks for the first couple hours or so, and then my excitement is tempered by tiredness. Even seemingly risk-free rides like the Lazy River (or, as this park called it, the "Adventure River") come with their own risks. After a few too many rides through the Lazy River on an inner tube, I found that I was hot, sunburnt, and thirsty, with only a tiny portion of my body actually submerged in water.

Despite my overall exhaustion, I seem to have managed to enjoy myself. My favorite ride was a water slide that required riders to travel face first and belly down on rubber mats. The most frightening ride was a water slide that we conquered in a large inner tube containing our entire four-person family. At some points in the ride, it genuinely seemed as though we were going to flip over.

Overall, it was an enjoyable and exhausting day. If all goes as planned, tomorrow will be yet another long day to describe in a brief blog post. Until then, I wish you all the best.



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